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Reasons to Consider Breat Reduction Surgery

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Dolly Parton once quipped to Kenny Rogers that, though she knows very little about sports, she knows enough to know that she carries two basketballs around with her every day. She was, of course, referring to her famously large breasts. Unfortunately, very large breasts create discomfort far more often than they do humor, and there are several reasons to consider breast reduction surgery.

Alleviate Pain

Because they are heavy, large breasts strain the muscles of the back and neck. This can lead to constant neck and back pain in addition to posture problems. Some women experience numbness, tingling and pain in their arms and shoulders as well. Proper bra support often fails to alleviate the problem and may cause more pain when heavily burdened bra straps dig into the skin of the shoulders.

Breathe Easier

Breasts can become heavy enough to make lifting the chest when breathing difficult to do. Some women experience frequent shortness of breath and recurring headaches when their breasts interfere with their breathing. These symptoms can indicate other health issues, so it is best to see your doctor if you experience them. If there is no other underlying cause for your headaches and breathing issues, it may be time to consider breast reduction surgery.

Be More Active

Large breasts can make an active lifestyle difficult. Physical activity is often both painful and awkward for women with large breasts, causing some to give up on activities they enjoy. Unfortunately, a sedentary lifestyle can lead to several health problems, and giving up on your favorite activities may not be the best for your physical or emotional well-being. Breast reduction surgery can get you comfortably back on the track, tennis court, softball diamond or wherever it is you want to be.


Anything but subtle, big breasts are hard to hide. Some women are extremely self-conscious about their breasts, feeling them much too large for their frame. Others feel that, no matter how they dress, their breasts always seem to take center stage - even in business meetings and other inappropriate settings. Even if others don't seem to notice your breasts, if they make you feel self-conscious, a breast reduction can help improve the way you feel about your appearance and boost your self-esteem.

Breast reduction surgery is not for everyone, but studies published in the Journal of Reconstructive Surgery show that the majority of women who undergo the procedure are happy with the results. Even when over-the-counter pain reducers, weight loss and supportive bras fail, breast reduction surgery can help women live a life free of the pain and discomfort that large breasts can cause.