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Why Don't My Dentures Seem to Fit Anymore?

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You know that ill-fitting dentures make it very difficult to eat and, if the fit is poor enough, can cause mouth sores and discomfort. But what you may not know is why a denture that fit yesterday doesn't today. There are several reasons why the fit of your denture may change.

New Dentures

If you just got your denture or plate after having teeth removed, you'll need several trips to the dentist to have your fit adjusted. Your gums swell after teeth are removed and the shape of your jaw will shift rapidly as you heal. Be patient and make sure you keep all of your scheduled appointments. In a few weeks you will heal completely and your dentures will fit comfortably without the need for constant adjustments. Give your body time to heal and get used to the sensation of wearing a denture.

Mouth Changes

As you have aged, you've probably noticed several changes in your body. Though it may not be obvious, your mouth is changing too. Your jawbones deteriorate slowly over time, changing the shape of your jaws. Swelling due to gum disease also alters the shape of the jaws and gums. Like a photograph, the mold used to make your dentures captured your mouth the way it was at one moment in time. Unfortunately, your dentures cannot change shape with you and the fit gradually declines as your body changes.

Health Issues

Diabetes, osteoporosis and other illnesses can cause changes to the shape of your mouth, thereby changing the way your dentures fit. Cancer treatments can also cause oral issues, as can over 500 prescription medications that cause dry mouth. Other health conditions, such as arthritis, make it difficult to properly clean dentures, resulting in a plaque buildup that affects the way dentures fit. It is important to see both your doctor and dentist regularly to manage these conditions and enjoy life comfortably, happily in good health.

Denture Damage

Your dentures work hard at every meal and after a time may need a bit of TLC. Just as cars need the occasional tune-up, so do dentures. Hairline cracks, bent clasps, chips and dings all affect the way dentures fit. Regular visits to the dentist are key to fixing these problems early, before they cause discomfort or painful sore spots.

No matter why your dentures aren't fitting well, the problem can be fixed. Don't live with the discomfort. Call your dentist today to have your dentures checked and repaired if necessary.